Spill the Tea: Best of the Month

best articles and blogs to read

So much has happened in my life this last month it’s crazy. I started a new job at a fashion brand I adore and am extremely happy about that. But it’s been seriously non-stop since my bday vacation in Tulum last month, and I’m just now settling in and catching my breath.

And with that, this is why this month’s fashion round-up is coming at you in the middle of the month (sry bout that), but still here none the less. This month, these are my favorite reads and articles I’ve been into so far:

Into the Gloss: What's Your Approach To Halloween?

Mine used to be, whatever’s chic and easiest. But now I find myself fantasizing over elaborately designed costumes and going all balls out for the holiday. I used to never really love dressing up but now that I’m older I want to do it more? Idk. This is 28.

Harper’s Bazaar: California Becomes the First State in the Nation to Ban Fur Sales

So proud of our state for this. As a lover of fashion, I think it’s important for us to realize the impact fashion can have both positive and negative. Although it’s not a perfect industry, I love that we’re taking a step in the right direction.

Theory: All Good Outfits Go Bad at 3 p.m.

I literally had this moment today. Idk sometimes outfits, or even hair styles, seem like a good idea and then as soon as you walked out of the door you’ve regretted it. But now you’re committed, and have to suffer in this decision for the WHOLE DAY. The worst.

Top 7 Benefits of Green Tea for Skin

I’ve been looking for a lot of ways to up my skincare game, and this article neatly outlines the main benefits of incorporating green tea into your routine. I’m a pretty avid coffee drinker but I do love me some green tea, especiallyyy when it’s matcha.

Glossier’s New Futuredew Serum Might Be The Brand’s Best Work Yet

As someone who’s been looking for a legitimate face oil for like, ever…. dare I try it!??

Pls weigh in below if you have a face oil rec for me.

Hope you enjoyed!
